The Keystone Conference Youth Ministry Team (KCYMT) is affiliated with the Free Methodist Church and works in the FMC’s Keystone Conference of Pennsylvania. Team members come from a variety of backgrounds and occupations but use their God-given talents and abilities to serve Him through serving the teens in the conference – and beyond.

The Keystone Conference YMT organizes events where teens can come together to begin, grow, and/or strengthen their relationship with Christ. These events include the annual Youth Adventure Camp (YAC) and Winterfest. While we are an arm of the Free Methodist Church’s Keystone Conference, these events are open to all campers and volunteers from any denomination or background.
About the Free Methodist Church
The mission of the Free Methodist Church is to make known to all people everywhere God’s call to wholeness through forgiveness and holiness in Jesus Christ, and to invite into membership and to equip for ministry all who respond in faith.
We are a connectional church. We are strengthened most by our relationships based on truthfulness and grace. We believe our mission drives everything we do. We strive to make the message of the gospel relevant to our culture by remaining faithful to God while showing love and sensitivity to the world. We accept all who come to us, seeing the most desperate sinner with the potential to become a whole and devoted follower of Jesus. We see smaller groups and cells within the larger Body of Christ as the best environment for the birth, mentoring, encouragement, and care of new believers.
We view our local churches as mission outposts. Our pastors are appointed not just to a local congregation and building, but to the evangelization of whole communities, towns, cities. We see ourselves as an apostolic movement. We are a “sent” people, charged with the task of reaching new territories and new populations of people with the gospel. We are Wesleyan in our doctrine and in our practice. We value the guidance of the scriptures and the consensus of the Church throughout her history. We are to be a holy people. Our conduct and our teaching are to reflect the holiness and love of God. We seek nothing less than the healing of mind, body, and soul of all who come under our care.
Read more about the Keystone Conference of the FMC